Sunday 26 October 2008

Are the glasses lost or is it just me ?

As anyone knows who has been following my blog or thoughts as I think it should be maybe that statement alone I am in danger of being old before my time but I am trying to look to the future not back but to look to the future you need to have seen some of the world and life and things.
But back to the glasses when I lost my glasses were they lost? or was it just me thinking I had put them somewhere and couldn't find them in the place I thought they should be. I knew I had put them on the stairs and after loking at least 4 times up the stairs and down in all the rooms I was last in and yes they were on the stairs in full view for us all to see how I did not stand on them I do not know, at least I am in the lucky few were glasses are concerned I just by them of the shelf for £2.99 or in the market for £1.00 only, so where they lost no I think sometimes we do get lost ourselves
I had a conversation with someone who was looking for the teabags no where to be found but when going to the fridge yes they were there all along yes we are growing old and sometimes lose things but I don't think they are lost just misplaced .

Saturday 25 October 2008

Newsletter Part 1

I will be adding to this newsletter latter all concerning our last volunteers meeting held on 30/10/08

Issue 7 October 2008

Here we are 12 months later when I thought it would be a good idea to volunteer to help publish and produce a newsletter for ourselves, after all I had been on a course for 12 months learning all my computer skills, little did I know what I was letting myself in for, “never volunteer” words from my dad stretching back to the days he had a holiday abroad all paid for from 1939-1945!! His days were a lot different and volunteering meant extra guard duty or more spuds that needed peeling. How times have changed but have they? There is still fighting all over the world, not so very different from my dad’s day. So back to volunteering in the present, I suppose you could say that I enjoy my role as a volunteer and as I will be reporting later in this news about our AGM that 10 years have passed since I set foot through those doors to become a volunteer, by the way are we all enjoying our new reception area it makes a lot more sense to be near the door, why did it end up behind a post and wall in the first place? (Answers on a postcard please)
So have I enjoyed the last 12 months sitting typing away? You bet I have!! Even though some times in the early days when I wanted to throw the computer through the window and mumble to myself where did that go? That happened a lot, I still make mistakes, but not as many and I wish I could type using all my fingers, but that will come in time (I have found a programme for typing done by the BBC for children, I’m up to age six now and on stage 3)
Now to thank a few people who have helped along the way in no particular order? Isabel, John, Wendy, Ameena, Jessie, Keith, David, Alan, Waddy, Malcolm and Brenda & Gordon and if I have missed anyone I am sorry but in some way everyone has helped to produce this along with of course the staff a mention for Danny Start for his encouragement at the beginning and his continued support and last but not least Maureen Kelly our manager.

Speaking of 12 months it was the AGM last year that started the whole thing off so here are the highlights for those who missed a good day out!!
AGM 15/10/08
The day started with a surprise birthday cake for a certain John Waddicar, a recently featured volunteer in our newsletter, his age; well let’s say that the candles were put out with the help of the local fire brigade. Staff and visitors joined in the traditional “Happy Birthday “ song, I did notice words on his lips as he tried to blow out the candles something about cars, proper and small, I couldn’t make it out my lip reading skills are not what they were since I retired from “The Government” although I was only licensed to serve ale. Speaking of which the new James Bond film will be out soon, would anyone like to write a review?
Speaking of birthdays I myself reached a milestone as they say 60, where have all the years gone and 10 years as a volunteer at Neurosupport, but more of that later.
When I was presented to my dad by the midwife he was heard to say “Can we fit shutters on’t pram mother” All those years watching Ken Dodd have paid off.
Prior to the meeting we all dined well with our buffet supplied by your friend and mine Mr Tony Bonner, take a bow Tony, once again keeping us fed and watered and also the guests, someone else who works in partnership with the centre, keeping our visitors happy a very important part of our business that is the Neurosupport Centre.

Now on to the AGM itself, Maureen Kelly opened the meeting and explained how the centre was about the importance of partnership, raising awareness and quality of life and that the AGM was about a celebration of everyone involved in the centre. Now, 14 AGMs later, 2 as Neurosupport. Maureen then went on to introduce our Chair of Trustees, Nick Pyne who told us that after 8 years of being involved in the centre, 5 as chair he was standing down and Ken Morris of Liverpool Women’s Hospital Foundation Trust who has as been involved since 2003 will be the new Chair. Nick then explained the changes that he had seen over those 8 years. How the” Working Life Service” has developed even when funding ran out and how the trustees supported it, to where it is now having been awarded the Section 64 grant recently for the next 3 years and the new Neuro Life programme. He then mentioned the library and how over 1 year we had had 700 inquiries covering 100 conditions, it now also being web enabled. Nick explained how room income was important and the 2 exhibitions that we had in the foyer by disabled artists and also the presentation to Ian Williams of a sculpture by Tommy McHugh, whose work that was featured on a television programme is now hanging in the foyer. Nick then introduced our new chair Ken Morris who presented Nick with a parting gift, thanking him for his time and support over the years. Ken explained how he was involved in the centre and its name change and how he is looking forward to the new challenges as chair. Ken then introduced Sir Bert Massie MBE, patron of Neurosupport who explained that after retiring from the Disability Rights Commission, how he was asked to take on the role of Commissioner for “The Compact” and then went on to explain about “The Compact” established in 1998 is an agreement between Government and the voluntary sector in England. It recognises shared values, principles and commitments and sets out guidelines for how both parties should work together. (Pinched from the website) Bert explained how they were raising the profile and made some interesting comments along the way one of which stuck which was about money for charities he suggested we change our name to Neurosupport Bank LTD and Gordon Brown would send us lots of money!!! As you can imagine this brought a few laughs. At the end he was asked to present the awards for 10 years service to 4 volunteers and as you may have guessed I was one of them along with Jessie Allerston, Sandra McKenna and Margaret Milner, Jessie and I receiving them on the day see pictures. Sorry a certain Julia got hold of mine. Our budding David Bailey of the day a certain birthday boy had some problems with the camera not enough instructions from the camera owner he said so pictures courtesy of Carolyn Garlick and others. Maureen then introduced Charlotte Green of the Media Trust to talk about the Trust’s work and introduce a short film on Neurosupport and its volunteers. Charlotte explained that the Media Trust was a communication charity were people from the media offered to volunteer their services to charities; the film shown would normally cost £20,000 when we were only charged a flat fee of £1000. They are also a community newswire where articles for the press can be made to into press speak to make it suitable for press release; they also help with training and website creation and also the community channel where our very own film has been showing. She then introduced Neil of Shadow films who filmed and produced ours and then the film was shown. Maureen then introduced Liz Sayce, Chief Executive of RADAR, a national network of Disability organisations and Disabled people which campaigns for equality for Disabled people. Liz went on to tell us of the work of RADAR, mentioning lots of subjects, child poverty, if the parents of that child are disabled, disabled groups sharing experiences that lead to change. Quality of housing suitable for disabled and older people, how the social care package offered by one authority may be different from area to area. Liz covered lots of subjects’ peer support, access needs, disability equality, welfare reform and how someone with autism became a school governor. One statement she made which I thought said it all was “A just and equal society whose strength is human difference”
Liz then took questions from the floor, which led to a very lively debate.
Maureen thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was closed for another year.

A PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES I’m Dave Johnston; I help in the library at Neurosupport on Tuesdays. I’ve been a volunteer at Neurosupport for nearly ten years and apart from enjoying the work in the Library
I really appreciate the friendship and support of fellow volunteers and staff. I had to leave work at the end of 1997 due to lifelong problems with depression having been in the N.H.S. for most of my working life doing various ancillary jobs. I live in Thingwall on the Wirral and belong to Holy Family parish. I recently went on a Pilgrimage to Lourdes with a group from church. This was doubly special as 2008 marks the 150th anniversary of the Shrine. I would like to find a little part-time job but I hope to continue as a volunteer at Neurosupport. Here is an account of my trip. Most people have heard of this little Pyrenean town and the story of a poor peasant girl Bernadette Soubirous who saw a ‘Beautiful Lady’ in a grotto by the River Gave which flows through the town. The Grotto of Massabielle was in fact the site of the town rubbish dump! The ‘Lady’ was The Virgin Mary who came with a message of reconciliation, conversion, solidarity with the poor and a request to ‘come in procession, drink and bathe in the waters’. The wonderful story can be found in the many books available on Lourdes. I just want to share my feelings on what it is like to respond to this request. The town was packed with people from all over the World, China, Vietnam, South America, every country in Europe and a very large African pilgrimage. The atmosphere was one of friendship, togetherness and good humour which were just as well with thousands in the town and the ‘Domain’, the area of the Grotto and churches. The pilgrims who have first priority are of course the sick, and Lourdes over the years has been a place of cures which have defied logic and science but perhaps an ever present ‘miracle’ is the love and devotion of those who help the sick, many of whom are young people who work very hard but whose reward must he great both here and in eternity! To see the sick pilgrims made me count my blessings. During my short but wonderful stay I visited places in the town associated with Bernadette and her family, The Boly Mill, her home and the Cachot, the disused prison which poverty had forced the Soubirous family to eventually live in, but it was the Grotto, beautiful churches and superb devotions and ceremonies such as the Torchlight Procession, Blessed Sacrament Procession, Masses and the peace of the Grotto together with the friendship of those I travelled with and those I met from all over the World that I will remember. On a lighter side, I slipped backwards in the baths (trust me!) but was caught in time. Other good memories were of having a cold beer in the street cafĂ©’s, watching the world (literally) go by and reflecting on how it really is possible for us all to get on together.
Competition time (only joking no prizes on this newsletter) I have added another picture from a trip to Lourdes Can you recognize anyone 2 pals together maybe it’s a clue. Please see newsletter on noticeboard for picture

Friday 24 October 2008

life and plans

Who said life gets in the way of making plans who ever it was for me he/she was definitly right

How can you make plans when sometimes you are already in the biggest plan of all life let me know what you think of plans and life

birds and other things

While I am waiting for that hole to be filled in where my window use to be well adding new glass and bits of wood and filler I have been sitting as you know now in my kitchen with the heat on now so at least my fingers are starting to feel like I own them again, I have been playing around on this wonderful machine called a computer to some it is a machine of the devil to me it has given me a toy to play with in my old age to reach the world wide web as they say.
Now 2 years on and I am still learning how to do things still trying to work things out I am even learning how to chat on line and now I see Gordon has gone one better by putting his poems in something called Picasa web album what a good idea at last he will publish his poems his thoughts on how his life has changed over the years If you read his poems send him a comment he would love to hear from you

AGM pictures and our thoughts of growing old

Here is another picture of the "Usual Suspects" sorry Brian and Brenda enjoying the food at the AGM It all seems so long ago now.Maybe it's an age thing as I have reached my milestone in life see the newsletter for my exact age although is age a personal thing do we all feel different when we reach a certain age ?
As I sit in the comfort of my kitchen normally, typing away today is less than normal. My fingers are feeling the cold which is coming in through the window which has been minus the glass for most of the morning and now as I type the new glass is going in so I think a Little heat is called for Yes you've guessed someone is repairing my windows not the ball this time, old age like me although parts of the frame have rotted some parts are OK a lot like me come to think of it , some good some bad visiting the doctor and hospitals more on first name terms with a doctors secretary.I use to take my dad to the doctors thinking he is coming here a lot but I am following in his footsteps , So yes I am getting old, but with luck and tablets I will keep on going. My old partner in crime Margret Milliner is a case in question she keeps volunteering at her tender age which I know but will not tell Keep watching this space

Tuesday 21 October 2008

photos of AGM and birthday boy

As you can see Danny and Kathryn chatting along with another member of staff can you guess who it is? no prizes but would you like to a add a caption to the picture "Back To the Future" springs to mind

The AGM for another year

Yes I am alive and well except I have reached that milestone in the world 60 years of age do I feel different not much is age a different number that the world sees us by or are we as old as we feel ? I dont feel much different except I see this Older man stirring out from the mirror I still feel the same with a few more aches and pains that seem to be growing as I do but that apart that I feel ok
So the AGM came an went for another year a good time was had by all see my report in our newsletter I will put in some pictures soon so watch this space

Thursday 16 October 2008

AGM wednesday 15/10/08 and birthdays

AGM 15/10/08
The day started with a surprise birthday cake for a certain John Waddicar, a recently featured volunteer in our newsletter, his age; well let’s say that the candles were put out with the help of the local fire brigade. Staff and visitors joined in the traditional “Happy Birthday “ song, I did notice words on his lips as he tried to blow out the candles something about cars, proper and small, I couldn’t make it out my lip reading skills are not what they were since I retired from “The Government” although I was only licensed to serve ale.
Speaking of birthdays I myself reached a milestone as they say 60, where have all the years gone and 10 years as a volunteer at Neurosupport, but more of that later.
When I was presented to my dad by the midwife he was heard to say “Can we fit shutters on't pram mother” Thank you Ken Dodd, if you see him enough times the jokes stick!!
Keep looking for more posts and pictures about the AGM

Wednesday 15 October 2008

"Went the day Well" Wednesday 6.30am

Well it's arrived at last that day in the Neurosupport calendar that we all love to hate, with all the usual questions"Will it go alright" "Have we enough food"" Phil Redmond can't park is car" well maybe not the last one. All will be revealed later today so watch this space as they say.
I will try to give you a flavour of it all with pictures and comments, but also watch out for a more in depth look of the AGM in the published newsletter.

Keep sending in your stories and thoughts.
I'm off now to kill a few "Baddies" in the new Star Wars Game so I can get ahead of the game for my little nephew and find out where they are all hiding, he is only 6 and gets frustrated when he gets killed by the "Baddies" so good shooting from him and good shooting from me

Monday 13 October 2008

last years AGM

As you can see plenty of food about

volunteer meeting

Monday 18-15pm
Have we all had our invite to the meeting I think Maureen forgot to mention that at great expense to the centre a private showing of that film masterpiece "Our Day Out for Volunteers and Other Parts" lasts all of 5 minutes but Wendy and Jessie will be going round with popcorn and ice cream at the interval so have the right money ready !! but don't eat too much as our very own well almost Tony Bonner will be making a late appearance with lunch
Hope to see some of you at the AGM on Wednesday and watch out for some unseen pictures of the day if I remember the camera and also on that day a certain person will be celebrating his/her birthday I don't want to give too much away see you Wednesday Waddy as well as Tuesday
What a busy week this will be so keep an eye for your intrepid reporter

Friday 10 October 2008

on its way to the shed

this creature was seen roamoing the streets of Liverpol does it have rendevous with that unknown creature in black

news of the shed

Last night this man was seen very near the shed does anyone recognise him from this picture?

Has he come to take over the shed as the death star has exploded or it more sinister than that does he want to move in and make himself comfy watch this space for more news

Neurosupport poem

Working in Neurosupport in different ways
Some on the tea bar some on the phone
It’s a lot different than staying at home
We all come together but on different days
Here we are the same but in different ways
When we were younger we did use to play

Some in a wheelchair some on the bus
We don’t wont people to make a fuss
We try to help people who are a lot like us

so please come here
If you want a library we got one
to spare
We try to show people that we still care
If its information you want
You have come to the right place
We all try to help with a smile on our face

So this is the poem of a volunteer
We all like to help
Friday, 14 September 2007
Alan Clark

"Why Me" A poem

Why Me?

What’s happening to me? Is this a dream or reality?
First I was at home, now I wake up alone.
Voices all around, no familiar faces to be found.
I want to say more, please take hold my hand and walk me out through that door.

A sense of urgency rushing all around.
I’m there for a moment, then cannot be found.
How long have I been in this bed, what’s happening in my head?
Where can I be? What’s happening to me?

They won’t let me sleep. I can’t get on my feet.
I’m in so much pain, will I ever laugh again?
There’s needles again, oh no not more pain.
How long will this go on. Just let me be gone!

Machines are bleeping, tubes in my mouth,
White walls now dark places, I’ve got to hang on.
The retching the pain, another headache again
I try desperately to sleep. Oh! No! I can’t eat.

This time’s not right for me, there has to be more fight in me.
My family is so dear to me, how I need them so near to me.
Bright lights are a fear to me, like knives cutting into me.
Stay close be here with me, the nights are so long to me.

Confusion, hysteria are about to set in.
Don’t leave me know I’ll make a terrible din.
Bare with me be kind.
I’m not really going out of my mind.

There’s been problems in my head, the nice man just said.
I’m moved to another bed, what’s that he just said?
My hairs all gone, I’ve still got my nighie on.
I feel ever so weak, not more tablets I need sleep!

Now smiling faces, cards and gifts all around.
Well wishes are said, they want me home now instead.
A new day is dawning, life’s given me a warning.
There’s still fuzziness in my head, I wish I could remember what was said.

I’m leaving my hospital bed, I’m heading home.
I must do as I’m told and can’t be left alone.
I’m so glad to still be here, life is precious and dear.
I have fear held within but this battle I’ll win.

Maureen Mellor – July 2003

This was written by Maureen Mellor who had a Brain Haemorrhage its a poem she often reads to to people in the support group

AGM wednesday 15/10/08

Morning all the preparations are under way to the big day lots of things going on and butties as well. Some of us will be receiving 10 years service awards at the AGM, pictures to follow of all the highlights.I am hoping to print a Newsletter soon after the volunteers meeting 30/10/08 with all the information of the AGM along with a few thoughts of how the Neuronews has gone over the last 12 months so keep watching for your friend dropping through the letterbox

Hope to see you on the day

"Of time and the City" a film by Terence Davis

Last night I was the envy of a certain Danny Start after securing tickets to the world premiere of "Of time and the City" a film by Terence Davis The start at 8.00pm went to 8.20pm allowing time for the Dicky bows and dresses to be just right the man playing the organ was running out of puff, but was it all worth the wait of course it was with the man himself, culture secretary and producers talking prior to the film Terence Davis told us to watch it with our hearts because that is how he made the film with his heart
First shown in Cannes that film capital of the world it received rave reviews and sitting watching it last night you could understand why. A film showing Liverpool sometimes not in a good light but later on emerging from the rubble to become the city it is now and still growing It was a film through his eyes of where he grew up and how it has changed narrating the film himself their were lots of poignant moments and some laughter especially about "Betty's and Phil's" wedding. When we left to get the bus home the dresses and Dicky bows were of to a party I guess, but what a night to rememberfor our year as Capital of Culture 2008 and the man himself Mr Phil Redmond take a bow was there to watch it all.
More of Neuronews to come preparations of the AGM watch this space

Wednesday 8 October 2008

poetry day

In this year of 2008
Lots of people got in to a state
Because we had an Archer
When really we needed a Redmond
This year has been full of lots of things
Spiders that walk that reach to the sky
Tall Ships that sailed that looked as though they could fly
Streets full of music and how we sang
Remembering our youth that went with a bang
The years have flown by, have we all changed ?
It's my birhday soon and i have changed
In this year of culture in 2008
I hope you enjoyed it withlots of your mates

Tuesday 7 October 2008

news of neuro

Well at last we have moved on from the shed although the doors blew open again but no water inside that's because it's floating at the moment what rain
But on Neuronews matters had a chat to Gordon (of the poems) today at last a poem about The Capital of Culture 2008 and very good it is to, Brenda said it didn't take that long so all being well we can use it on our open day 09/12/08 a look back at 2008 not to forget 10/12/08 our very own youv'e guessed already that man in a red suit no not Danny or Gerry the "C" word but before that our very AGM 15/10/08 and a volunteers meeting 30/10/08 letters should be out soon and the film has anyone seen it? links to this Blog and Gordon's will appear in the next "Glance" so maybe i won't be just writting for myself Saw my old partner in crime Margaret Milner looking well even though she is the wrong side of 70 she might make the AGM autographs will be signed she taught me all i know cheers for now

Sunday 5 October 2008

finished at last

Yes that shed was officially handed over to the new owner on Friday 03/010/08 it has its own running water mostly through the roof, electricity or was that lightning heating but only when set on fire

The new owners are very pleased with the results although the doors did blow open on their own on Friday night a brick will solve that in front f the doors

So maybe i can get back to looking after "Neuronews "