Sunday 30 November 2008

The Man Himself "Zucchero"

Yes this is Zucchero for those who don't know him and what a great concert aging rockers and blues men were all united with one thing in mind to have a GOOD TIME and did he provide the music for a good time yes he did in spade loads.

What a voice, he has been seen in this country usually at charity concerts and in his own beloved Italy of course, but this was the first time I noticed that he was touring the country so Sally and myself decided to go and see this singer who we had only seen singing with Andrea Bocelli at a live concert in Verona, we only saw this on a DVd but he had a voice a bit like Joe Cocker for those of us who are old enough to remember and we both said we would like to see him if we got the chance and York was that chance.

Would we go and see him again? YES is the only answer
I might annoy some of you with a CD to listen to so you have been warned
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Holidays and comings and goings

Hope everyone is well as they read this, but a certain person pictured is far from well.

Ameena Roberts pictured looking very studious is still in hospital as I write this blog. Last time I saw Ameena she was hoping to come out of hospital on Monday 24th November when I saw her on Thursday the week before after my stint in The Walton Centre, she was about to come off the oxygen and see how that went over the next few days and discharged on Monday. I called in for a few minutes before lunch(It arrived as I was there)so I didn't stay too long and dropped off some magazines that Sally had been saving to pass on as well as all the wishes of everyone at Neurosupport.
I have been off this last week travelling to York to see a singer that no one has heard of Zucchero, but more of that later and off this week to Germany,Berlin to enjoy a pre Christmas break taking in the sights and of course the real reason for the visit Christmas Markets (Sally loves to shop) and yes I will put up some photo's when we get back, but back to Ammena. I phoned the house to see how she was getting on and left a message, I was surprised she was out but then when Phil phoned later that night I found out what i was thinking when no one phoned back earlier Phil was at the hospital. Ameena is still in and still having problems and scans and drips and all the things that go with being in hospital.

So I would like to say along with everyone else, get well soon as we all miss your smiling face on a Tuesday.

Also sad to report that a certain Mr John Bailey who works on reception will be leaving us this week, he will sadly missed by all and I would like to wish him well in his new job along with the rest of the volunteers from Neurosupport.

So on to the last item before I have my breakfast and try and work out how to listen to songs on my very new MP3 player my nephews will help later are we all ready for the the "Open Day"09/12/08 and our Christmas Party on 10/12/08 I did hear a rumour that Santa himself was going to put in an appearance so have your lists ready along with sherry and mince pies on both days see you all there

News of trips will follow and "How we got Lost on the Underground in Berlin" it's a given
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Monday 24 November 2008

Quantum of Solace review by Michael Ord

While waiting for my holiday to start a gift has been dropped in my lap, a reveiw of "Quantum of Solace" written by my nephew Michael Ord, it was his homework. I never remember getting homework that involved me going to thre pictures although I do remember going to see "El Cid" starring Charlton Heston and Sophie Loren, I think it was part of history but I can't remember now after all those years that have gone by. So to the review
Quantum Of Solace (2008)

James Bond: Daniel Craig
Director: Marc Foster
Producer: Michael G. Wilson
Story: Ian Flemming (characters), Michael G. Wilson (plot).
After a long and anxious wait Daniel Craig is back in his second outing as everyone’s favourite agent, 007. Craig has brought a much more physical appearance to 007 as emphasised in the amount of enemies Bond kills in this new version of Bond. As usual this thriller has not failed to impress with an intriguing storyline which has various links to Casino Royale which also was a fantastic watch but was originally a spoof bond film written by Ian Flemming but adapted by Wolf Mankowitz in 1967 starring Peter Sellers and Ursula Andress.
The opening scene in itself is a great opener to this exhilarating film. This includes fantastic cars crashing, bashing, flipping and burning due to James Bonds crazy driving skills, even after losing a door. After this breathtaking opening Mr White is revealed to be in the boot of Bond’s car, surprisingly still alive. When taken back to the headquarters Mr White is interrogated by James and M, acted out as brilliantly as always by Judi Dench. Bond wants information to reveal the truth about the death of his ex-girlfriend in Casino Royale, Vesper. Mr White manages to escape without revealing any information about who he is working for. This leads to a jaw-dropping chase on rooftops, through houses and includes life threatening jumps from building to building. When Bond intrudes into one of the ‘bad guys’ hotel rooms he picks up his briefcase which reveals he is supposed to shoot the young Camille, who is played by the beautiful Olga Kurylenko. Camille reads his move like a book while she seems to know more about the next move than Bond.This leads to Bond escaping out of the car without either of them getting hurt even though that wasn’t James’ plan anyway as he wasn’t who Camille thought he was.
Dominic Greene acted by Mathieu Amalric, and General Medrano are the men James is after as they are the men behind James’ ex-girlfriends death but also Camille seeks revenge for Medrano due to her father’s death. James begins to spy on Greene when he talks to General Medrano, Joaquin Cosio, in a plan to take over one of the world’s major resources, oil.
He plans to do this by manipulating people into agreeing with his plans. In order to serve justice to the people behind the death of Vesper in ‘Casino Royale’ Bond allies with old friends to uncover the truth about Dominic Greene. This involves Bond staying ahead of the enemies, the CIA and even his boss M. Together Bond and Camille reveal that the resource Dominic Greene is actually offering in the deal with the General is not oil but it is water by a crash landing off a plane into underground caves.
James and Camille eventually get the chance they had been waiting for in the middle of a desert when Dominic Greene and General Medrano meet to sign the deal for the oil which in fact is water. The whole building ends up in flames even though it is Bond and Camille against henchmen and the two taking part in the deal, Greene and Medrano. Camille takes her opportunity without hesitation to kill the man involved in the death of her father, Medrano, immediately she kills him. However Greene does not manage to get away that easy as Bond wants to make him suffer with body blows, punches to the face and even an axe to the toes. That is not too mention the actual death, he is left in the middle of the desert with nothing to drink but oil. So no surprise when the next day he is found dead in the desert with lungs filled with petrol. Finally, the last of Bonds enormous list of kills is when he enters a small village and finds the man who was sent to kill.
So this really is an action packed thriller worth seeing but certainly not the typical Roger Moore type of Bond. However as we all know from previous 007 experiences, James Bond will never seize to amaze his viewers. The villains in this new epic film are also very believable due to the exciting action performed by Mathieu Amalric and Joaquin Cosio. This storyline in general is nothing similar too any previous films or books written by Ian Flemming. Now the fans of Bond are just looking forward to the next Bond acted by the new physical and distinguished 007, Daniel Craig.

I couldn't have done better myself, thanks Michael our very junior reporter

Monday 17 November 2008

The English Language

When I first started writing a newsletter over 12 months ago for Neurosupport the one thing that was always my "friend" Spellchecker, but if you read the next piece I'm not so sure.


I cdnuolt blveiee that I cloud aulacity uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the human mnid aoccdrnig to rseearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huaman mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a a wlohe.
Amzanig, huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas tohuhgt slpeling was ipmorannt.


If anyone has any other word games although this item was the spellcheckers nightmare, let me know.

Friday 14 November 2008

James Bond and A night Out

You maybe wondering what a picture of James Bond is doing on our site but then again I did ask if anyone has seen the picture "Quantum of Solace" well I did myself along with a very happy nearly 7 year old, who in his opinion "Was the Best" so who cares what the critics might say. For myself the now 60+ year old, bits of it had been pinched from one of the Bourne Films, the chase across the roof and how many times can somethings blow up but in different ways, but that said for me I will always be a fan of the James Bond films.

Now on to real reason of the picture, somewhere in the city on Saturday night a certain gentleman will be wearing a tuxedo and doing his best impression of the man himself, James Bond. This my way of saying I hope you have a very good night and maybe send me something that we can publish.

Have a very goodnight both of you , you deserve it for all the hard work you do to help others.

Friday 7 November 2008

Halloween and Fireworks

Just some pictures of 2 nights that have just passed by in readiness for the big event in the next month
I have bought a new camera with my birthday money the on of the man I think is on the wrong setting but looks ok to me let me know what you think

Newsletter October/November2008

The Pictures shown don't match up the the newsletter and 2 are missing maybe that could be a competition in itself where have they gone and what 2 are missing answers as always ona postcard please This is still all new to me

Here we are 12 months later when I thought it would be a good idea to volunteer to help publish and produce a newsletter for ourselves, after all I had been on a course for 12 months learning all my computer skills, little did I know what I was letting myself in for, “never volunteer” words from my dad stretching back to the days he had a holiday abroad all paid for from 1939-1945!! His days were a lot different and volunteering meant extra guard duty or more spuds that needed peeling. How times have changed but have they? There is still fighting all over the world, not so very different from my dad’s day. So back to volunteering in the present, I suppose you could say that I enjoy my role as a volunteer and as I will be reporting later in this news about our AGM that 10 years have passed since I set foot through those doors to become a volunteer, by the way are we all enjoying our new reception area it makes a lot more sense to be near the door, why did it end up behind a post and wall in the first place? (Answers on a postcard please)
So have I enjoyed the last 12 months sitting typing away? You bet I have!! Even though some times in the early days when I wanted to throw the computer through the window and mumble to myself where did that go? That happened a lot, I still make mistakes, but not as many and I wish I could type using all my fingers, but that will come in time (I have found a programme for typing done by the BBC for children, I’m up to age six now and on stage 3)Now to thank a few people who have helped along the way in no particular order? Isabel, John, Wendy, Ameena, Jessie, Keith, David, Alan, Waddy, Malcolm and Brenda & Gordon and if I have missed anyone I am sorry but in some way everyone has helped to produce this along with of course the staff a mention for Danny Start for his encouragement at the beginning and his continued support and last but not least Maureen Kelly our manager.
Speaking of 12 months it was the AGM last year that started the whole thing off so here are the highlights for those who missed a good day out!!
AGM 15/10/08
The day started with a surprise birthday cake for a certain John Waddicar, a recently featured volunteer in our newsletter, his age; well let’s say that the candles were put out with the help of the local fire brigade. Staff and visitors joined in the traditional “Happy Birthday “ song, I did notice words on his lips as he tried to blow out the candles something about cars, proper and small, I couldn’t make it out my lip reading skills are not what they were since I retired from “The Government” although I was only licensed to serve ale. Speaking of which the new James Bond film will be out soon, would anyone like to write a review?
Speaking of birthdays I myself reached a milestone as they say 60, where have all the years gone and 10 years as a volunteer at Neurosupport, but more of that later.
When I was presented to my dad by the midwife he was heard to say “Can we fit shutters on’t pram mother” All those years watching Ken Dodd have paid off.
Prior to the meeting we all dined well with our buffet supplied by your friend and mine Mr Tony Bonner, take a bow Tony, once again keeping us fed and watered and also the guests, someone else who works in partnership with the centre, keeping our visitors happy a very important part of our business that is the Neurosupport Centre.

Now on to the AGM itself, Maureen Kelly opened the meeting and explained how the centre was about the importance of partnership, raising awareness and quality of life and that the AGM was about a celebration of everyone involved in the centre. Now, 14 AGMs later, 2 as Neurosupport. Maureen then went on to introduce our Chair of Trustees, Nick Pyne who told us that after 8 years of being involved in the centre, 5 as chair he was standing down and Ken Morris of Liverpool Women’s Hospital Foundation Trust who has as been involved since 2003 will be the new Chair. Nick then explained the changes that he had seen over those 8 years. How the” Working Life Service” has developed even when funding ran out and how the trustees supported it, to where it is now having been awarded the Section 64 grant recently for the next 3 years and the new Neuro Life programme. He then mentioned the library and how over 1 year we had had 700 inquiries covering 100 conditions, it now also being web enabled. Nick explained how room income was important and the 2 exhibitions that we had in the foyer by disabled artists and also the presentation to Ian Williams of a sculpture by Tommy McHugh, whose work that was featured on a television programme is now hanging in the foyer. Nick then introduced our new chair Ken Morris who presented Nick with a parting gift, thanking him for his time and support over the years. Ken explained how he was involved in the centre and its name change and how he is looking forward to the new challenges as chair. Ken then introduced Sir Bert Massie MBE, patron of Neurosupport who explained that after retiring from the Disability Rights Commission, how he was asked to take on the role of Commissioner for “The Compact” and then went on to explain about “The Compact” established in 1998 is an agreement between Government and the voluntary sector in England. It recognises shared values, principles and commitments and sets out guidelines for how both parties should work together. (Pinched from the website) Bert explained how they were raising the profile and made some interesting comments along the way one of which stuck which was about money for charities he suggested we change our name to Neurosupport Bank LTD and Gordon Brown would send us lots of money!!! As you can imagine this brought a few laughs. At the end he was asked to present the awards for 10 years service to 4 volunteers and as you may have guessed I was one of them along with Jessie Allerston, Sandra McKenna and Margaret Milner.

Maureen then introduced Charlotte Green of the Media Trust to talk about the Trust’s work and introduce a short film on Neurosupport and its volunteers. Charlotte explained that articles for the press can be made to into press speak to make it suitable for press release; they also help with training and website creationCharlotte explained that the Media Trust was a communication charity were people from the media offered to volunteer their services to charities; the film shown would normally cost £20,000 when we were only charged a flat fee of £1000. and also the community channel where our very own film has been showing. She then introduced Neil of Shadow films who filmed and produced ours and then the film was shown.

Maureen then introduced Liz Sayce, Chief Executive of RADAR, a national network of Disability organisations and Disabled people which campaigns for equality for Disabled people. Liz went on to tell us of the work of RADAR, mentioning lots of projects that would benefit people with disabilities. One statement she made which I thought said it all was “A just and equal society whose strength is human difference”

Liz then took questions from the floor, which led to a very lively debate.Maureen thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was closed for another yearexplained that the Media Trust was a communication charity were people from the articles for the press can be made to into press speak to make it suitable for press release; they also help with training and website creation and also the community channel where our very own film has been showing. She then introduced Neil of Shadow films who filmed and produced ours and then the film was shown. Maureen then introduced Liz Sayce, Chief Executive of RADAR, a national network of Disability organisations and Disabled people which campaigns for equality for Disabled people. Liz went on to tell us of the work of RADAR, mentioning lots of projects that would benefit people with disabilities. One statement she made which I thought said it all was “A just and equal society whose strength is human difference”
Liz then took questions from the floor, which led to a very lively debate.Maureen thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was closed for another year


I’m Dave Johnston; I help in the library at Neurosupport on Tuesdays. I’ve been a volunteer at Neurosupport for nearly ten years and apart from enjoying the work in the Library
I really appreciate the friendship and support of fellow volunteers and staff. I had to leave work at the end of 1997 due to lifelong problems with depression having been in the N.H.S. for most of my working life doing various ancillary jobs. I live in Thingwall on the Wirral and belong to Holy Family parish. I recently went on a Pilgrimage to Lourdes with a group from church. This was doubly special as 2008 marks the 150th anniversary of the Shrine. I would like to find a little part-time job but I hope to continue as a volunteer at Neurosupport. Here is an account of my trip. Most people have heard of this little Pyrenean town and the story of a poor peasant girl Bernadette Soubirous who saw a ‘Beautiful Lady’ in a grotto by the River Gave which flows through the town. The Grotto of Massabielle was in fact the site of the town rubbish dump! The ‘Lady’ was The Virgin Mary who came with a message of reconciliation, conversion, solidarity with the poor and a request to ‘come in procession, drink and bathe in the waters’. The wonderful story can be found in the many books available on Lourdes. I just want to share my feelings on what it is like to respond to this request. The town was packed with people from all over the World, China, Vietnam, South America, every country in Europe and a very large African pilgrimage. The atmosphere was one of friendship, togetherness and good humour which were just as well with thousands in the town and the ‘Domain’, the area of the Grotto and churches. The pilgrims who have first priority are of course the sick, and Lourdes over the years has been a place of cures which have defied logic and science but perhaps an ever present ‘miracle’ is the love and devotion of those who help the sick, many of whom are young people who work very hard but whose reward must he great both here and in eternity! To see the sick pilgrims made me count my blessings. During my short but wonderful stay I visited places in the town associated with Bernadette and her family, The Boly Mill, her home and the Cachot, the disused prison which poverty had forced the Soubirous family to eventually live in, but it was the Grotto, beautiful churches and superb devotions and ceremonies such as the Torchlight Procession, Blessed Sacrament Procession, Masses and the peace of the Grotto together with the friendship of those I travelled with and those I met from all over the World that I will remember. On a lighter side, I slipped backwards in the baths (trust me!) but was caught in time. Other good memories were of having a cold beer in the street cafĂ©’s, watching the world (literally) go by and reflecting on how it really is possible for us all to get on together.
Competition time (only joking no prizes on this newsletter) I have added another picture from a trip to Lourdes Can you recognize anyone 2 pals together maybe it’s a clue.

Volunteer Meeting 30/10/08 Minutes courtesy of Carolyn Garlick.
Maureen Kelly asked those present to introduce themselves. As we all know sometimes we don’t all meet and new faces keep coming through the door and looking at the next item Reception Protocol Job Description I think a few more will be needed!! And yes further down the minutes new volunteers are being discussed.
MK circulated the Volunteer Duties for the Reception/Telephone role and went through the role as defined by the volunteers.
Questions were raised regarding illness and cover for holidays.
Maureen confirmed this is a problem which should be addressed and it is requested that volunteers phone if they cannot make it in.
The group discussed other issues with the reception. It was confirmed a white board has been ordered to have in reception to quickly identify if staff are in the building. It was requested photographs are put on the board. Resident charities staff also needs to be on the board.
Maureen confirmed all staff now have photo ID as do many of the volunteers. Carolyn is to complete the volunteer badges anyone not having had a photograph must see Carolyn ASAP
Badges Visitors Book.
Carolyn circulated a page from the new visitor’s book which is aimed at all people who visit the centre. Guidance notes for completion of the book will be drawn up by Carolyn. Visitors will complete the book be given a badge and advised to were the badge, return on leaving and sign out.
These processors are all to tighten up security access to the building. It is envisaged everyone within the centre will be wearing a pass or badge. Volunteers on seeing anyone in the building without identification should inform a member of staff, who will challenge that person.
The New Enquiry form
Kathryn introduced and circulated the enquiry form and informed the volunteers of its purpose. The guidance notes should help with completing the form. This is a trial of the form to iron out any problems. It will be used from Monday until after Christmas and then reviewed.
Maureen thanked Kathryn, Janet and John for the form and work that has gone into it.
Maureen stated she will meet with all reception volunteers and discuss the role and look at gaps in service to recruit new volunteers.
Some volunteers had not received notification of the meeting. Carolyn confirmed the database in place has not been kept up to date. It will be updated and minutes notes and a date for the next meeting will go out to all volunteers.
Maureen stated the same process will be carried out for the Kitchen. As reception/telephone role. The group discussed congestion in the kitchen when they are serving and clearing lunches. Maureen will bring this up at the staff meeting and tenant lunch. It was asked if the shutter to the lounge could not be raised. This was not viable due to noise.
Flasks were suggested for some meetings which will ease congestion at the serving window. This will be investigated although most groups enjoy the service offered.
The group discussed the fact the kitchen phone isn’t working, neither is the toaster. Chris confirmed the fire service advised this should not be replaced as it calls too many false alarms. He did request a chiller cabinet for merchandise would be useful
Yes it’s that time of year again Brian in a red suit.
Maureen confirmed the date of 10th December for the Christmas party. It was agreed a small committee to take this forward would be formed to finalise arrangements. The format will most likely be similar to last year with Christmas lunch being served.
Maureen confirmed the building will be closed from midday on Christmas Eve until Monday 5th January 2009.
The Walton Centre and Changes
Maureen informed the group that she has no new information about the changes to the arrangements or how the area will be in the future. Isobel stated she has no new information either. Maureen will find out all she can.
Volunteer Film
The volunteer film was shown and copies distributed to those who took part.
The Mocha Lounge 07/11/08 at 8.00pm
The flyer for the event was circulated all welcome. All proceeds to Neurosupport.
Open Day 09/12/08
The format for the day was discussed which will include exhibitions, tours of the building and the launch of the Neurolife service.
Health and Safety Committee
Chris asked for volunteers who would like to be involved in a health and safety committee. Malcolm and Wendy have previously expressed an interest. Chris and Maureen will liaise on this and set a date.
Friday 30th January 2009. 10am in the Seminar Room. For the next meeting so put it in your new diary that someone will give you for Christmas
So as I come to a close of this rather long newsletter I hope you are enjoying the news and check out our new BLOG for things that might interest you along the way. Also check out Gordon of the poems fame and his lovely wife Brenda his very own BLOG
Thanks for reading and hope to see everyone at our Christmas Party!!
Alan Clark on the night of nights The Fifth of November 2008

Saturday 1 November 2008

Mixed up and crazy

Just a quick explanation for anyone who is following my latest post was really about the AGM which I have only just edited while I was waiting for the minutes of the volunteer meeting 30/10/08 so watch out for them and our ramblings of a very tired man, I think the change in tablets is upsetting my sleep patterns

Also watch for some pictures of the Lantern parade in Sefton park when I work out how to put the pictures in the computer a new boys toy for my birhday a new camera with all the bells and whistles
When I saw the insrtuction book I thought it was in 4 languages until I looked it was all in English and nearly 200 pages long HELP but more of that later